Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

The Fourth Phase of Water with Karen Curry Parker and Dr. Gerald (Jerry) H. Pollack, Ph.D.



“If I read about some natural phenomenon and the explanation is simple, straightforward, I think maybe it's right. If the explanation is so complicated that I've got to scratch my head and try really hard to understand what they're talking about, it may be that it's simply wrong. It could be in the textbooks for several generations, It doesn't mean it's right.” - Today’s guest, Dr. Gerald (Jerry) H. Pollack, award-winning author, internationally renowned scientist, and the recipient of the first Emoto peace prize. Producer's note - Please note that we had technical difficulties with this interview, but we thought that the information was so important that we decided to publish it anyway. Please refer to the transcript that can be found for this episode at quantumrevolutionpodcast.com if you need more clarity about what is being discussed in our conversation today. What if there's more to water? What if water has a fourth phase, a more cohesive and organized phase that makes everything we know ab