Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 483 The Art and Science of Conversations



Conversations are a lot like art. It is one of those uniquely human experiences of infinite variety, depending on who we are interacting with. Conversations are events where we share what we know, get to know others, find friends, and discover our place in the world. Conversations have an extraordinary power to excite, our neurons being so sensitive to face-to-face engagement that they rapidly activate our brain reward systems. Yet surveys show that it is losing ground to texting and other forms of communication that, at best, only provide pale illusions of satisfaction. In today’s episode, learn more about conversations, the difference between small talk and deep conversations, as well as the six conversation habits that you may need to break. Lots of great information about how you communicate this week.  To learn more about this topic, check out the May/June edition of Psychology Today Magazine, which has several articles on Communication. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “There are few things that are more delightful t