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LABELS - pt4 - Starving For The Right Thing



In “Starving For The Right Thing”, Rodney shares the next recognizable label you should desire to wear as a Christ-follower. It is the label of Starving for the Right Thing – Starving for Jesus. There is no other hunger or thirst that is more important or necessary than our hunger and thirst for Jesus. People often pursue things passionately attempting to feed the hunger and quench the thirst in their soul with temporary things. They are trying to satisfy a spiritual hunger with material solutions. This only leaves people feeling unsatisfied, unhappy, and unfulfilled. Only people who respond to this inner craving will find their spiritual appetites satisfied. Our desire for righteousness is not just a longing for what is ethically, morally, or legally just. It is a heartfelt longing for Jesus himself. Jesus is the only one worthy to bear the name the Lord Is Our Righteousness. What are you starving for? Are you starving for Jesus? You will experience all the goodness of God as a consequence of seeking him wit