Food Afield With John Schneider

Traditional Bowhunting - John's Biggest Whitetail Buck!



November 24th, 2021 was a day that I'll remember for a very long time. I had hunted hard the entire fall. The goal was simple, harvest a deer with my antique recurve bow. I hadn't connected with a whitetail with my recurve for 12 years! Mostly because I hadn't really tried. For the previous two years, my focus and energy to be successful at traditional bowhunting had been re-ignited. In the fall of '20 I had missed a large buck...and then had another miss at a doe at close range. I was discouraged about that, but optimistic that I could get the job done in 2021. Sit after sit in treestands and ground blinds came and went. My spirits remained high, but time was running out. The season for whitetails ends on November 30. Finally, on a chilly winter afternoon, grey and bleak, it happened. Here was my chance at the whitetail buck of a lifetime! This episode happened at the beginning of my in-the-field-podcasting recording career. Unfortunately, inexperience shows through in places. I've l