Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins

EP 90 The Keys to Self Mastery with Money with Amy Westbrook



I love people who understand that you must build and align the emotional/psychological thoughts and feelings around money, in order to make the best decisions about money. This is a great show to learn more about how you can think and act in ways that expand your financial well being and wealth.Amy Westbrook is changing the way people think about money and their approach to building wealth. She’s on a mission to help professionals and growth-minded business owners raise the bar on their financial potential, versus struggling with the mainstream“shrink your way to wealth” advice. As a professional wealth coach and founder of The Capital Life, Amy empowers financial freedom seekers to confidently earn, manage and grow their wealth to newlevels. She’ll help you discover your money blind spots, fast track your success and manifest greater time, energy, and money without sacrificing yourself in the process.Start now to elevate your influence and financial legacy!@LivetheCapitalLifeFor much more on ALL things money