A1 Coaching

The Side Of Cycling You Don't See - With Chanel Harris



Todays guest is Chanel Harris, Chanel is Alex Dowsett partner and Anthony recently had Alex on the podcast to discuss his retirement from Pro cycling .. and go check that out if you haven’t already.  I wanted to interview Chanel to give us a deeper insight into what actually goes on in the background in a Pro-cyclists career and how they have built an incredible team, I guess you could call it "Chanel and Alex Inc." They dreamed of cracking the World Hour Record and against all the odds they got to the start line that day in Mexico.  But the parts I most enjoyed about this conversation were the spots where we spoke about how parents get to be role models for their kids and that Chanel wants to show her little girl Juliet that big scary goals, physically pushing yourself and mental toughness are not something to shy away from.  Today's show is brought to you with special thanks to our amazing on-going sponsors ⁠Factor Bikes⁠  Wattbike is the only brand I trust for my indoor training needs. If