Seneca Community Church Messages

6/25/2023 - Seeking - Part 16: I See You



We are right in the middle of high school graduation season, and with graduations come graduation parties! Some are excited about that and some not so much. There can be an awkwardness to parties where you don't know anyone. Sometimes in those situations it is almost like people look through you, like you aren't even there. You can be alone, even though you are with a bunch of people. You may feel like you aren't even seen. In a month or so, the grad party scene will start to die down, but that feeling of not being seen might not. Not being seen can carry over into a lot of life, even church life. The great news is, when it comes to God, we are never not seen. He says to each one of us "I see you!" In this message, we will unpack what it means for us that God sees us. If you have the chance, prepare by reading 1 Samuel 16:1-13 (page 194 in an SCC chair rack Bible).