Resolution Foundation Podcasts

The UK’s trade trajectory: In search of a post-Brexit trade strategy



Brexit was a seismic break for the UK, not least in bringing to a close a decades long trade strategy focused on integration with European markets. Since then the Government has successfully rushed to sign as many trade agreements as possible, but these largely roll over arrangements inherited from EU membership, with little prospect of further significant trading ties. It is far from clear what comes next — what a lasting post-Brexit trade strategy for the UK might be that recognises both our economy’s strengths and the wider global trade landscape, where geopolitics is playing an increasing role. What are the priorities for the UK’s trade strategy now that the heat of Brexit negotiations have cooled, but global trade tensions are heating up? How should that strategy be integrated into a wider economic strategy for Britain? Which balance should be struck between a European or global focus? And can Britain protect manufacturing industries such as automotives, which are highly integrated into European supply c