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LABELS - pt3 - Happy Are The Humble



In, "Happy Are The Humble" Rodney shares that we live in a world that on one hand we embrace and admire arrogance, cockiness, and pride. On the other, we are put off by it, and more importantly for us to remember, God is not impressed with it, but praises humility and gentleness. Jesus desires hid disciples to appropriately dress in godly humility, in this world. People of the Kingdom of God should openly wear the label of humility. Christian meekness is an outgrowth of a renewed spirit when they are born again. Christian humility believes that when suffering an injury from the hands of another, ultimately, God will judge and be just in his repayment. Humility produces peace. It is evidence that God is doing a work within us. Humility is not weakness. When we act and walk humbly we are living like Jesus. Humbleness is the doorway to entering into the inheritance that God has reserved for those who are citizens of His Kingdom. Humbleness of spirit positions them to receive the maximum benefit and inheritance o