Usc Ibear Business Class

When is it a Trade War? - Part 3 “Raising tariffs violates our WTO obligations.” - Wendy Cutler



Wendy Cutler spends a lot of time thinking about trade. She was the Chief Negotiator on the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement and the Lead Negotiator on the TPP Agreement. We spoke with her just as the US announced that tariffs were going to be placed on China and other US trading partners. She commented on what trading partners might feel, “Well it’s China today, but maybe tomorrow the president will impose tariffs on us as well.” In this conversation, we look at the ripples and shock waves that are created within the trading world when a country the size of the US throws a stone. Wendy Cutler is the Vice President of the Asia Society’s Policy Institute. Interview by Richard Drobnick, Director of the USC Marshall IBEAR MBA Program.