Usc Ibear Business Class

Climate change is a fact in Singapore - Masagos Zulkifli – Minister for Environment, Singapore



In this episode of Business Class, the subject is climate change and business. Interviewed by USC’s Dick Drobnick, Singapore’s Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Masagos Zulkifli explains how Singapore, a small country with few natural resources, may present a very realistic model for a world that is facing effects from its changing climate. Masagos Zulkfli, is an engineer and looks to science and numbers to understand the threats his country must prepare for. He pointed out that Singapore is already planning to move its primary seaport and airport to locations that can be defended from sea level rise and storm surge events, “That’s how serious we are.” The discussion digs in to the business opportunities being created by the research and infrastructure projects and the policy that is driving them. In Singapore. Minister Zulkifli says, the world’s current model of, “Take, Make and Throw is not sustainable.” Minister Masagos Zulkifli is an alum of the USC IBEAR MBA program.