#flipmyfunnel Podcast

399: How to Get Over the Fear and Dive Into ABM w/ Marty Thompson



Marty once launched his own ad agency that he named Two Bananas. Today, he’s the CMO at Clear Software in Indiana. I knew he was the perfect person to join me today to discuss a day in the life of a CMO. Someone who has truly been there and done that. Especially when it comes to getting his sales team to buy into trying something totally new and different: ABM. On today’s episode, we unpack challenges you might face when starting ABM, overcoming the fear of trying something new, getting buy in from your sales team, why ABM isn’t for marketers, and so much more.  Finally, Marty will challenge you to think of ABM differently than how you probably have been thinking about it. Because it’s a lot simpler than you think.