Westminster Abbey Podcasts

Abbeycast: Relating without rivalry – a podcast for Trinity Sunday



The Holy Trinity can sometimes sound a bit like a mathematical problem (‘Three in One, and One in Three’), but this podcast explores whether it is, in fact, a key to understanding not just God, but ourselves, and the kind of relationships for which we are made. A 19-minute service of prayers, reading, address, music and blessing recorded this week in the 13th century Chapter House in the East Cloister – originally a meeting place where the monks gathered with the abbot to pray and discuss the day’s business. Introduced by The Reverend Canon Dr James Hawkey, Canon Theologian Address by The Reverend Mark Birch, Minor Canon and Precentor Reader: Dame Cressida Dick, The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service Introduction: Canon Hawkey Reading:  Matthew 28: 16–20 Dame Cressida Dick Address: The Reverend Mark Birch Anthem: John Sheppard Libera nos, salva nos Prayers/Blessing: Canon Hawkey Music: Performed by the Choir of Westminster Abbey conducted by James O’Donnell (with kind permission of Hyperion