Westminster Abbey Podcasts

Abbeycast - ‘St Edward – King and Confessor’: A podcast for the Feast of the Translation of St Edward



A podcast from Westminster Abbey on the Feast of the Translation of St Edward. This 16 minute service includes prayers, a reading, an address, music and a blessing, recorded this week in the Abbey's magnificent shrine of St Edward the Confessor.   Introduced by the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster   Address by the Reverend Canon Dr James Hawkey, Canon Theologian   Reader: Simrin Rahman, a student at Harris Westminster Sixth Form    Introduction: The Dean Reading: Matthew 20: 20-28 Simrin Rahman Address: Canon Hawkey  Anthem: Bruckner Os iusti meditabitur Prayers and Blessing: The Dean   Music: Performed by the Choir of Westminster Abbey conducted by James O’Donnell (with kind permission of Hyperion Records).    This podcast was recorded with all contributors observing social distancing.