Podcast Rodeo

No Such Thing As A Fish Reviewed



DescriptionAward-winning podcast from the QI offices in which the writers of the hit BBC show discuss the best things they've found out this week.Website: https://www.nosuchthingasafish.com/What I Liked About This EpisodeThe intro explains what the show is and they get right to the content. The show was funny, and it made me laugh.What I Thought Could Use Some PolishingThe one person has an every-so-slight plosive and I have no idea what QI means. The intro had some weird voices, but it only lasted a few seconds.The Goal Of This ShowThis show aims to help you make the best episodes and grow your downloads. If you'd like a deeper dive here are some additional servicesGet Your Podcast ReviewedProfit From Your Podcast BookPut Dave In Your PocketSubscribe and Follow the Show Listen to Podcast Rodeo Show: Reviews and First Impressions of Your Podcast Mentioned in this episode:Need Help Starting Your Podcast?Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know where to begin? Look no further than the School of