Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 479 The Centenarian Question: Do You Want to Live to Be 100?



Do you want to be a centenarian; an individual who lives to be 100 years old? You might have the chance as it is twice as likely today as it was two decades ago. The bigger question Dr. Bray poses during today’s podcast is not only do you want to live to be a 100, but how do you want to live? Your life is more about your chronological age, it is also about how you live. Your ability to move, think, be disease free and participate in the activities you enjoy. Be prepared for a fun and enjoyable podcast as Dr. Bray discusses maintaining your brain and insights in how you live during your later years. **May/June 2023. Psychology Today QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “There’s a difference between living, and living WELL.” “Your brain is like a car, it doesn’t work as well as it gets old.”