Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

Say "Yes" To Yourself — E156



In this episode, we empower you to say "Yes" to yourself and embark on a transformative journey toward embracing all that is in front of you. We explore Saying "Yes" To Yourself in 7 Steps: Step 1: Make Your Own Decisions - Learn how to reclaim your autonomy and take charge of your life by making conscious choices that align with your true desires and values. Step 2: Set a Goal - Discover the importance of setting meaningful goals that ignite your passion and create a sense of purpose, driving you towards personal growth and achievement. Step 3: Learn to Ask For and Accept Help - Understand the significance of seeking support and collaboration, recognizing that it is not a sign of weakness but a catalyst for growth and connection. Step 4: Invest in Yourself - Explore the various ways you can invest in your personal and professional development, unlocking new opportunities for learning, growth, and self-discovery. Step 5: Have a Non-negotiable - Embrace self-care and prioritize a