Chats With Susan Burrell

Embracing Your Missing Element



EP# 230 - Embracing Your Hidden Element. An interview with Feng Shui expert and author, Tisha Morris.   Have I told you all lately how much I love my job? My Empowering Chat Podcast introduces me to so many interesting and amazing people. I know I say this often, but I truly love what I do. My guest for this episode is Tisha Morris, a feng shui expert and author. Tisha’s experience and training with feng shui led her to write her most current book, Missing Element, Hidden Strength. I asked Tisha to share how she came to write this book. She uses the ancient wisdom of Taoist principles to identify your most challenging element. She goes on to say that everything on the planet is made of these 5 elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Metal and Earth. And in the same way that we use Feng Shui to balance the energy in the material world it can also be used to balance our inner world. According to Tisha is it is all about recognizing the elements we each carry and finding our primary element or strength and then the opposit