Not Alone

Twenty-One: The Hound of Mons - Chaotic Good Boy



Join us this week as we discuss one of the most enduring aspects of popular folklore, the hell hound. We'll start in the 12th century, as we ride with the Wild Hunt across the land, detour in the Middle Ages to recount the tale of Black Shuck, one of the most famous of all hell hound legends, and finally settle on the main subject of this week's episode: The Hound of Mons, the spectral horror that stalked the battlefield of World War One. We'll explore it's colorful origins, the terrors of trench warfare, and the trail of death and blood it left in its wake. We hope you'll enjoy this episode with us! Sources: Mysterious Universe: The Mysterious Hell Hound of World War One Lippard Blogspot: Excerpt from the Fortean Times Article The Black Shuck Legend Also, here's a link to the Historium Episode Sam mentioned about chemical weaponry. Consider supporting us on Patreon! You'll get access to special patron only episodes and extended editions of every show! Please, if you have the time, consider filling ou