Life Long Learner

Ep. 82 Out Of Class- What do you stand for? Banana peels and Censorship



This week we check in on week one for Ben's new addition to his family, Brom, his new Rhodesian Ridgeback. Ben shares how his schedule how as gone out of whack and he is trying to bring order to it. Brom doesn't seem to want to walk on the lead at the moment for Ben, as he hadn't watched a youtube tutorial as of yet! Gines and Matt, challenge the notion that Ben thinks he is flexible, when certain things like his coffee order, he is clearly not. Is a banana peel out the window littering? Even if it is going to break down and be good for the environment? Are we living in a world full of censorship? Currently, there is so much censorship, that we do not encourage challenging the norm. So how do we collectively come to a better decision? For more updates and to subscribe head to Facebook - Instagram - Youtube - h