Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

Maximizing Your Website's Potential: Strategies for Sustainable and Impactful Companies with William Cheshier



William Cheshier, founder of CheshTech, joins Karen to share practical tips for building a profitable website that functions as a 24/7 sales and marketing tool. The discussion highlights the common mistake of thinking that simply having a website is sufficient, emphasizing the need for strategy and careful consideration of the target audience's experience. The conversation delves into the importance of aligning a website with the needs and desires of visitors, addressing questions such as what the business offers, how it improves lives, and how to access its products or services. Additionally, the episode also explores the unique challenges faced by sustainable and impact companies, including effectively communicating their value proposition and integrating digital media messaging with website and customer engagement strategies.  Overall, the episode emphasizes the significance of building a compelling website that resonates with visitors, aligns with the company's goals, and enhances user experience-- while