Jazz Watusi

Cartes del padrí Coppola



Tornem al cinema seguint el rastre del jazz en la filmografia de Francis Ford Coppola: de les bandes sonores més formals, com "Tucker", de Joe Jackson, i "Cotton Club", de John Barry, a d'altres de més experimentals, com la de "Conversation", de David Shire. També sonaran Tom Waits Crystal Gayle i lluminàries de la música afroamericana com T-Bone Walker, B.B. King i Slim Harpo. 01 John Barry - "The Mooche" 02 John Barry - "Truckin'" 03 John Barry - "Minnie the moocher" 04 Joe Jackson - "He's a shape in a drape" 05 Joe Jackson - "Lone bank loan blues" 06 Joe Jackson - "Rhythm delivery" 07 Dadid Shire - "Theme from 'The Conversation'" 08 B.B King - "How blue can you get" 09 Booker T. and the M.G's - "Green Onions" 10 Slim Harpo - "Scrach my back" 11 Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle - "This one's from the heart" 12 Tom Waits - "Little boy blue" 13 Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle - "Picking up after you" 14 Louis Prima - "Che la luna" 15 Hank Jones - "Love theme from 'The Godfather'" 16 John Sebastian - "You're a big boy now