Jim And Them

Dick-Hard - #769 Part 2



Fake Britney: What happened to Britney Spears? Has she been replaced on her own social media? Is the media trying to frame her once again or is she just a wackadoo? Jim and Them are on the case. Lady Kills Husband, Writes Children's Book: A Utah mom wanted a huge mansion really, really bad so she killed her husband and then wrote a childrens' book about grief. She would have gotten away with it to, if she wasn't a moron. McDonald's Fights: Don't step to a large McDonald's manager unless you are ready to throw hands. Also another fight that security eggs on too far. SO FUCKING COOL!, PLAY SOME RAP MUSIC!, THE LAST BOY SCOUT!, SINCE YOU BEEN GONE!, RAINBOW!, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3!, 69!, FOO FIGHTERS!, JARED LETO JOKER!, EVERLONG!, FAKE BRITNEY SPEARS!, CONSPIRACY!, INSTAGRAM!, CRAZY!, DANCING!, CRAZY EYES!, GREEN SCREEN!, MAKEUP FILTER!, DEEPFAKES!, CHILD STAR!, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!, CHRISTINA AGUILERA!, COREY FELDMAN!, CRAZY!, SPINNING!, KNIVES!, TMZ!, DRIVE ALONE!, KEVIN FEDERLINE!, JASON ALEXANDER