Kcbs In Depth

The wrongful conviction that catalyzed Asian American activism



Nearly 50 years ago a Korean American immigrant named Chol Soo Lee was convicted of a murder in San Francisco’s Chinatown that he did not commit. Lee spent ten years in prison after that arrest, and very possibly might have spent his whole life there if it were not for the dogged advocacy of Asian American activists who saw in his case a grave injustice born of racism and indifference. By the time of Lee's death in 2014, this movement had largely been forgotten, but a new documentary film is reviving the memories. On this edition of KCBS In Depth, we revisit a seminal moment in the history of Asian American identity with the directors behind the film, "Free Chol Soo Lee."  Guests:  Julie Ha, co-director, "Free Chol Soo Lee" Eugene Yi, co-director, "Free Chol Soo Lee"   Gail Whang, former member, Bay Area Chol Soo Lee Defense Committee  Host: Keith Menconi  Special note: The film is available to stream on the PBS YouTube channel until May 23rd and the PBS App until July 22nd.