Straight-talk Solarcast

Diamond Certified & Checking Your Solar Output



Welcome to the world’s first Straight-Talk Solar Cast!  This is your go-to podcast for answers about solar!  In this episode we  discuss the topic "Diamond Certified & Checking Your Solar Output."   Congratulations to Solar Harmonics for becoming Diamond Certified! What's Diamond Certified? Here's a short intro: "Only local companies independently rated Highest in Quality and Helpful Expertise® earn Diamond Certified. Our rigorous rating and certification process  starts with the in-depth pass/fail rating of each company’s customer  satisfaction, license and insurances. Most companies can’t pass our  rating and earn Diamond Certified, and every Diamond Certified company  must continue to deliver on its promises to you, the consumer." Check out Solar Harmonics' Diamond Certified page here. Jamie then explained about the benefits of staying on top of your system's solar output so you can bask in the glow of knowing how much your utility company will be owing you at