Straight-talk Solarcast

Solar & Newly Built Homes



Welcome to the world’s first Straight-Talk  Solar Cast!  This is your go-to podcast for answers about solar!  In this episode we discuss the topic "Solar & Newly Built Homes."   Did you know that all new homes built in California from 2020 will be required to have solar?  Yep, that's right.  Spearheaded by outgoing State Senator Kevin de León in SB 100, all newly constructed homes under three stories will be required by the state’s Green Building Standards Code to go solar.  Sounds great, right?   Solar expert Jamie Duran disagrees!  In this podcast Jamie will detail why this new rule may actually hurt new homeowners and what they can do to make sure they aren't caught off guard.   About Jamie Duran & Solar Harmonics Brought to you by Solar Harmonics in Northern California, who invite their customers to “Own Their Energy” by purchasing a solar panel system or their home, business, or farm.  You can check out the website for the best solar energy