

Dr. Bray answers two of the most asked questions he has received this year. What delicious and nutritious food does research say is good for my brain? How does sleep affect my brain?  Dr. Bray provides the latest research on blueberries and why they are widely recognized as one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. He shares research that suggests they improve memory and cognitive function. Some studies have even suggested that regular blueberry consumption may reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.  Dr. Bray also discusses sleep, which is often considered a luxury, but it is actually an essential component of overall health and workplace performance. He shares research on why the lack of sleep can have a significant impact on workplace performance, leading to decreased productivity, poor decision-making, and increased accidents or errors. Chronic sleep deprivation has also been linked to a range of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Dr. Bray was hitting top performance t