Deep Energy 2.0 - Music For Sleep, Meditation, Relaxation, Massage And Yoga

Deep Energy 1302 - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio



Background Music for Sleep, Meditation, Relaxation, Massage, Yoga, Studying and Therapy …… Hi everyone, this is Jim Butler and welcome to the Deep Energy Podcast 1302 - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio....... Hi All… Just my musical interpretation of different astrological benchmarks going on around us.From ChatGPTA lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon, making it appear reddish-orange. A lunar eclipse can only occur during a full moon, and it typically lasts for a few hours.When a lunar eclipse occurs in the sign of Scorpio, it can amplify the energies of this zodiac sign. Scorpio is associated with intensity, transformation, and deep emotions, so a lunar eclipse in Scorpio can bring up powerful feelings and themes related to change and evolution.This can be a time of letting go of old patterns, behaviors, and relationships that no longer serve you. It's a time to confront your deepest fears and desires and to transform yourself from the inside out.Ove