Chris Wallker

Magnetic Will #9



Magnetic success frequently requires closed doors. The magnetic mask is composed of four things; (a) invariable courtesy; (b) The total absence of unjustifiable and unnecessary criticism and thought or word; (c) The guard of reticence; (d) And a presence which conceals what is not intentionally disclosed. Please note, the magnetic mask will not for long cover a dishonest mind, which is essentially and in the Longrun not magnetic. I please note the value of the mask is proportion to the moral integrity of its use. Please note mere policy is not magnetism. So what are we saying here? You don't wear your on your sleeve nor do you tell everybody what you are feeling and at the same time you do not falsify the mask. This is in simple language known as the bark on the tree. I what you feel is not for public consumption. Your vision inspiration and purpose is private. Use establish a character or personality that is agreeable and positive to the world but most importantly you own authenticity within you regarding yo