Solo Parent Society

Confidence When You Are Not Chosen



In today's episode, we tackle the topic of confidence when facing rejection. Rejection is an all-too-familiar feeling for many of us, and it can cause significant emotional pain. Divorce, in particular, represents an acute form of rejection, which can lead to deep wounds and even social isolation. The pain may intensify when an ex-partner finds someone new or remarries. We explore the impact of rejection on our self-esteem and discuss strategies for overcoming the negative effects of feeling unchosen. By examining our thought processes and understanding why rejection hurts so much, we can begin to move forward and rebuild our confidence. For all the detailed show notes, tips, and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything… it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SP