Have You Seen This?

107 - Krull



Subscribe to HYST on Patreon for only $2 and get two bonus episodes every month! patreon.com/haveyouseenthis/Mike Rosen returns to fight Tim on the merits (or lack thereof) of cult 80s sci-fantasy film Krull! Krull hit screens in 1983 and failed to make its money back, although it is beloved by the kind of people who liked Ready Player One.For exhaustive contemporary coverage on Krull, visit the Internet Archive’s scanned copy of Starlog issue 76.https://archive.org/details/starlog_magazine-076/page/n51/mode/2up?view=theaterSpecial effects makeup artist Nick Maley seemed to enjoy making the film, judging by his reminisces.https://web.archive.org/web/20020331025842/http://1001resources.com/hosting/users/cinesecrets/pmKrull-Intro.htmlOne valiant effort to market the movie: Krull-themed weddings! To our knowledge, none of the brides or grooms have come forward to admit to their participation. But it's hard to see how the movie missed with marketing concepts this good:‘One [marketing gimmick] suggests approaching