Ladey Adey Show

What's the deal about Ghostwriting?



Ghostwriting  What’s it all about?  Believe me it has nothing to do with Halloween!Is it something you might consider rather than spending the time writing yourself?  Or advise someone else to use a ghostwriter?Ladey interviews Joanna Collie who is a published author, content creation coach AND a ghostwriter.She helps business people to animate their writing by showing them how to apply fictional techniques to factual narratives. She says, “Fresh, creative campaigns are not only for big businesses with budget to burn. Every business has a story to tell, a target market to help and money to make with the right message.”Jo’s books, short stories, features and award-winning radio work have been published and broadcast internationally. So do you lack the time or skills to do write the book that is inside you?Do you want your dream to still become a reality?Have you considered using a ghostwriter?The podcast discusses the advantages of using the services of a ghostwriter and