Uindy's Potluck Podcast

UIndy’s Potluck Podcast - SEASON 5 - EPISODE 1- Donna Gordon



In this episode of the UIndy Potluck Podcast, where we host conversations about the arts, ENGLISH 479 students Sophia Atkinson, Abby Bailey, Sierra Durbin, Desteni Guidry, Sam Jackson, Alex Philips-Hedge, Ethan Thurston, and Dylan Torres interview the 2022 Whirling Prize winner. Etchings Press, a student-run publisher at University of Indianapolis, awards The Whirling Prize in Prose to a book that demonstrate an excellent and compelling response to a theme selected by students. The 2022 theme was Young Adults Exploring the Mysterious, and in this podcast, the student judges have a conversation with novelist Donna Gordon, author of the winning book, What Ben Franklin Would Have Told Me. Special thanks to Music Technology majors Jesse Wallace and Mikayla Crider for editing this episode’s audio. Donna Gordon is a fiction writer and visual artist from Cambridge, Massachusetts. In addition to her debut novel What Ben Franklin Would Have Told Me, her short stories have appeared in Tin House, Ploughshares, The Bosto