Breaking Through With Kristin Rowe-finkbeiner (powered By Momsrising)

Black Maternal Health Week, Stop Banning Books, Art as a Tool for Activism, and Fighting Back Against Moms (Against) Liberty



On the radio show this week, we cover the latest with Black Maternal Health Week; how to help stop the banning of diverse books by a small group of very loud far right extremists;  the ways in which art is a tool for activism which can change culture and public policy; and we close the show covering how to fight back against the Moms for (against) LIberty who are taking away parent’s rights.   *Special guests include: Monifa Bandele, MomsRising, @MomsRising; Dr. Kimberly Allen, 904WARD, @904ward; Favianna Rodriguez, The Center for Cultural Power, @CultureStrike; and Nina Perez, MomsRising/MamásConPoder, @MomsRising @MamasConPoder.