Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Good Person, Bad Choices. Part 2: Lust // Jamie Nunnally



We all need wisdom concerning lust. Lust is not only related to sexual desire, but can be a craving for anything that we don’t have and shouldn’t have. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how we can walk free from all types of lust.  1 John 2:16 “For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure (lust of the flesh), a craving for everything we see (the lust of the eyes), and pride in our achievements and possessions (the pride of life). These are not from the Father but are from this world.”Lust, Greed, and Pride are the three traps the enemy has set for us in this world. Lust is an unhealthy craving or longing for something you don’t have, can’t have, or shouldn’t have. Lust is fascination turned obsession, with what is not yours.We can lust after food, fame, power, money, sex, possessions, etc. In the OT Hebrew its translated “covet” and is the 10th  commandment.Exodus 20:17 Coveting and lusting are the same thing. Why does God care? Because He is trying to protect you and protect others f