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JESUS THE MESSIAH - pt2 - The Preponderance Of Evidence



In “The Preponderance Of Evidence”, Rodney shares that The entire Christian faith rises or collapses on the resurrection of Jesus. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith. Simply, if there is no resurrection – there is no promise of eternal life, all the promises of Jesus and God are empty, and Jesus would not be the Messiah. If fact, Jesus foretold how you can validate who Jesus claimed to be, Son of God, and Messiah. In other words, Jesus foretells publically, the sign to look for will be when Jesus dies, three days later he will come back to life. The resurrection authenticates and proves his ministry, and His claims of being the Son of God, Messiah, Savior, and Lord. JESUS the MESSIAH – He is our Firm Foundation!