Chats With Susan Burrell

Richard Bach’s Life Adventure



Ep- # 224 - Richard Bach's Life Adventure, A Revisit of a 2014 Interview with Author and Pilot, Richard Bach We have now entered into the month of April.  It feels like Spring is finally in the air. The sun is shining and the flowers have begun to bloom, at least that’s true for Southern California. I hope that is also true for your hometown as well. The theme for this month is, “Xiexie” which means Thank You in Chinese.  So, all of this month’s shows will relate to thank you, gratitude or being grateful. The show I am featuring for this episode of Empowering Chats is an interview I did in 2014 when I used to host a radio show called, “Living Your Inspired Life with Susan Burrell.” It features author and pilot, Richard Bach. It’s the perfect show to kickstart this month’s theme. In August of 2012 Richard Bach suffered a serious plane crash while flying solo in the San Juan Islands. We talk about this “life adventure,” and what it meant to kiss death and survive it. He spent a full year in recovery following t