#eatfortheplanet With Nil Zacharias

#1- Khaled, the Vegan Saudi Prince on the End of Factory Farming and the Solution to Climate Change



Dive into the future of meat production and the battle against climate change with Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal, founder and CEO of KBW Ventures. Khaled is not your typical venture capitalist/investor. Not only is he a member of the Saudi royal family, but he is also vegan, an outspoken animal rights advocate, as well as a firm proponent of clean energy and healthy living. Khaled has bold ambitions to “relegate factory farming to the dustbin of history” by investing in technology-driven solutions like plant-based proteins and cellular agriculture/clean meat. In our conversation, Khaled explains everything from why he went vegan to his ideas on how you can use investments to create a better world, and perhaps most significantly, he details his projections for the end of factory farming. The world’s population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by the year 2050 and the demand for meat is rising globally. Given that industrial animal agriculture produces 99% of meat available today and is driving massive amounts