Solo Parent Society

When Kids Make Bad Choices with Dr. Meg Meeker



In this episode, we will gain valuable insights into the complexities of parenting alone when our children make bad choices. The stakes are high, and it can be challenging to strike a balance between being a supportive and nurturing parent while enforcing rules and boundaries. The lack of a sounding board or partner in the house makes this even more difficult. To provide expert guidance on this topic, we welcome back special guest Dr. Meg Meeker. Dr. Meeker is a pediatrician, mother/grandmother, best-selling author, and the country’s leading authority on parenting and children and teens’ health. We deep-dive into parenting alone and how to maintain a healthy relationship with our children while enforcing rules and boundaries. Dr. Meeker shares her wealth of knowledge and experience, providing practical tips and strategies for communicating effectively with our children, establishing clear boundaries, and holding our kids accountable for their actions without being overly strict or authoritarian. For all the d