The Broken Brain

How Do You Approach Life? With Karly & Cynthia from That Pop This Life.



Karly Beaumont & Cynthia Torres are the hosts and creators of That Pop This Life, flagship show of the Core Temp Arts Podcast Network. Every week they discuss life, parenting, social media, trends and pop culture. As they say in their podcast intro: "life, pop culture and the ridiculousness of it all." They are here to talk about the way they approach breaking down and evaluating life, news and the trends (valid or silly) that come up daily.   Go to this week's highlighted charity, to organize or support awareness events for the rights of kids in the LGBTQAI+ community.   Become a patron of the arts by lending your support to The Broken Brain or Core Temp Arts Podcasting Network, by going to:   Get cool bonus material and help support independent Art & Podcasting.