Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 19: Lent Week 6 | Lament: Saying No to Triumphalism



This season we are focusing on justice as an aspect of spiritual formation and we believe Lent to be the perfect season to explore this connection. Using A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and the lectionary, we will look at various aspects of justice, its importance to God and why the modern church has often regrettably failed to live out God’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.”   As we head into Holy Week Ruth is joined by Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah to discuss the importance of Lament as a part of justice work. What is lament and why is it important? How does it help us to counter American Christianity’s penchant for triumphalism? How does lament move us to justice and right action? Then, Ruth gives us some guidance as we walk through Holy Week toward Easter.   Lectionary scripture for this week: Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54 Mentioned in this episode: Prophetic Lament by Soong-Chan Rah Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Ra