Jupiter Rising

Autumn Astro Jam



The fun and exciting “Astro Jam” panel where planets come to life in two mystery charts! Hear planets talk, speaking their cosmic energies just as we experience in our minds and hearts. Astro Jam is scheduled quarterly in connection to the seasons. Enjoy Autumn’s Astro Jam like a music jam full of surprise!! “Right in time for the holiday Halloween from the ancient Celtic Samhain festival. We’ll share a few clues as every good mystery has clues for detective work! Such as the century, and a small riddle or limerick to give away ideas to the curious,” said Sue Minahan, founder, and host of the weekly show. “After each session and the chart identity is revealed, the six astrologers connect their insights with the chart.” Connect! You’ll keep up with the changes! Subscribe & follow us on Talk Cosmos YouTube Channel.  Or always heard on your favorite podcast and on 1150kknw.com online /radio formats with Talk Cosmos podcast episode library. JUSTIN CROCKETT ELZIE: is an Archetypal Astrologer, Teacher, and Autho