Chats With Susan Burrell

Is Everyone An Empath?



Ep #221 - Is Everyone an Empath? An interview with Kristy Robinett, author, medium and empath.   Kristy Robinett is my guest for this episode of Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. Kristy is the author of the book, Embrace Your Empathy, Make Sensitivity Your Strength. We talked about what being an empath is all about. There is a social stigma that many empaths live with. Kristy describes an empath as someone who feels the energy of others more so than the average person. And it can be felt in different ways. She wrote the book for those that feel like their empathic gift is a weakness. Her goal is to inform people and give them the power to be themselves. Nobody can tell you how to be in the world. An analogy that Kristy used to express this was she often told her kids. Which is this: You cannot turn your blue eyes to brown. Yes, you can put contacts in to make your eyes appear brown, but they will still be blue. And so, the same applies for your true essence. You can try not to be a sensitive empath and fig