Oh My Geek!

Hindsight Theater - 'Hot Stuff'



This was the last episode the OMGeeks recorded in person before the shutdown happened.  In this episode the OMGeeks remember the anniversary of the Miracle on Ice. N1ck is having problems with his memory...again. We look back on the Oscars. (Hey, this was in February. Give us a break!) The first images from 'The Batman' give us pause. N1ck gives us Dune news, or Dunews? We geek out over toys coming out this year. The music discussion from the last episode continues as the OMGeeks discuss actors and their music careers. Including rap singles by Rodney Dangerfield and Dan Akroyd with Tom Hanks. (Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT_QRKfv8H4) It's time for another installment of Hindsight Theater! This time around we take a look back at the 1979 comedy 'Hot Stuff' starring Jerry Reed, Dom DeLuise and Susan Pleshette. ('Hot Stuff' trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4XXs1bz2wk) A movie about a group of Miami cops that take over a pawn shop/fencing ring while also getting mixed up wi