Sticker Stories Podcast

Joshua Mezher Started A Pot For Plants As A Natural Affordable Home Grow Kit



Joshua Mehzer tried to germinate his first cannabis seed while in high school, after attending one of the early public protests in the UK to decriminalize cannabis in the year 2000. Shortly after moving to the USA in 2010, he found himself dropping out of the University of Santa Cruz to grow medicinal cannabis full time. Since then he has grown cannabis hydroponically, aeroponically, soil medium, indoors, and outside in greenhouses and full sun. He developed the worlds 1st pair of smart electric scissors for timing cannabis and has participated at all levels of the industry. His love of plants goes back to an early age, but cannabis is his favourite and he has grown a lot of it. He started A Pot for Pot and A Pot for Plants to empower people to grow their own plants and to combat the stigma that pot is difficult to grow. He's been approached by countless amateur home hobbyists who would like to start a small personal grow, but don't know where to begin. They're overwhelmed with information, and think there