Roll Sound

49 - Bright and The Golden Globes



Using the F-word makes you a big boy! At least, that's what they thought when they wrote the script for Bright. Is this movie really as bad as the critics say? Does it deserve to have an abysmal Rotten Tomatoes Score? Will Hollywood ever stop patting themselves on the back for getting angry about the very problems they created? Who knows! Check out Luke Madrid and all of his beautiful music on Soundcloud, and maybe consider sharing his stuff. He's a talented fellow: If you like the show, leave us a comment and a rating on iTunes! It's super important for us to be able to keep going, because ratings help people find our show! You can also contact us at the links below: Tweet at us: @RollSoundPod Email us: Instagram us: @rollsoundpod Facebook us: (We're working on a revamped design for our social media stuff. Look forward to less ugly ads!)