Roll Sound

79 - Disenchantment and Dora has a Dad



Matt Groening is back with a brand new show, this time unbridled by network shackles. He's free to swing his double-edged comedic sword where he pleases, and bring joy to many humble, humble people via Netflix. The guys also talk about the casting of Dora's Papi in the upcoming movie, do some bad impressions, and make fun of Hayden Christensen when he's being a nice guy. Garrett never claimed to be a good person. If you like the show, leave us a comment and a rating on iTunes! It's super important for us to be able to keep going, because ratings help people find our show! You can also contact us at the links below: Tweet at us: @RollSoundPod Email us: Instagram us: @rollsoundpod Facebook us: Watch Muli on Twitch: (Who would YOU cast as teenage Dora's parents? Tweet us and let us know!)