Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

How to Apply Human Design in Business and Marketing



Today I’m talking to Julian Crosson-Hill. Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC, is an ICF certified spiritual life coach and human design specialist. Julian’s spiritual journey to answering his spiritual calling has taken many twists and turns over 32 years of seeking. Discovering human design during his spiritual life coach training really impacted that journey. Seeing human design as a permission slip to let go of the shoulds and have-tos has allowed Julian to create a life and business that feels aligned with his spiritual calling. As the founder of Priest of Inanna, LLC Julian helps spiritual professionals and entrepreneurs breakthrough self-created limitation and change the world. Julian is also an active member of the Humane Marketing Circle. In today’s episode, we cover the following points: What Human Design is and where it comes from The five different Human Design types How knowing our design helps us in business and marketing How AI can be positive for Generators How HD hands out permission slips And so much