Buzz Dental

How To Double Your Practice's Profitability In Under A Year



On this episode of BUZZ, special guest Dr. Tom Orent details how to dramatically and rapidly increase your net profit at your Dental Practice. Dr. Tom Orent is the bestselling author of the book Transform Your Dental Practice from Coalmine to Goldmine Before It's Too Late: Essential Gems for Success, and the founder of the Freedom Summit, a Dental Practice Transformation Coaching Program, designed to help dentists “escape from PPO hell” and grow successful practices. Over the last 22 years, Dr. Orent’s proven strategies helped hundreds of dentists reduce their dependence on PPOs, help more of their patients accept optimal health recommendations, and as a result, grow their practices by multiple six-figures in short order. Are you sick and tired of dealing with PPOs and ready to do something about it?  Take advantage of a complimentary Breakthrough call during which we'll craft a step-by-step map specific to your practice, detailing exactly how to safely and predictably, reduce your dependence on PPOs. My tea