Jim And Them

#579 Part 1: Shit Be On There With Shit And Poo



Dirty Dicks: We got back to the legend of the swollen dick, how to properly clean your uncut dick and Shane Dawson cumming on his cat. Mom Embarrasses Daughter: For the crime of having social media, a mom tells the Internet that she has shitty and pissy underwear. Also an influencer beats up her kid Judge Sentencing: Guy goes off on judge and gets years added to his 22 year sentence. Also Gary Busey and Michael Jace from The Shield. LORD VARYS!, THE REALM!, GAME OF THRONES!, MUELLER REPORT PARTY!, EXCITED!, TRUMP!, CHEETO!, RESIST!, PRISON!, NO MIKE!, RIGHT WING!, SUBWAY!, KICKED IN THE HEAD!, WORLDSTAR!, BAG LADY!, SHANE DAWSON!, CAT!, DID HE FUCK HIS CAT!, NOT JOKING!, EDGELORD!, ATTENTION!, PROPOSED!, THE CHAIR!, DOCUMENTARY!, CONSPIRACY THEORIES!, CHUCK E CHEESE!, SWOLLEN DICKS!, IT HAPPENS!, WARM WATER!, CAN’T PEE!, DIRTY DICKS!, UNCIRCUMCISED!, CUT BOIS!, SHMEGMA!, GOT BIGGER!, SAM ROBERTS!, PISS BALLOON!, WWE!, 19!, EATING CAT FOOD!, EATING DOG FOOD!, DRINKING COKE FULL OF ASHES!, MOTHER EXPOSES DA